Good Timing: Proper Timing Belt Replacement Saves Money for Troy Drivers
February 25, 2024
Knowing how their engine works can help Troy drivers make informed decisions about auto care and prevent repairs to their vehicles. This is especially true when it comes to timing belts.An engine's power is generated in the cylinders. Inside the cylinder is a piston that moves up and down while ... More

Straight and True in Troy: Wheel Alignment
February 18, 2024
Most Troy folks worry about running out of gas or having a breakdown on the side of the road. That is why we practice preventive maintenance on our vehicles that and to keep our repair bills down. But one important part of preventive maintenance that may get overlooked by drivers in Troy is a p... More

QUIET TIME (Listening for Vehicle Problems)
February 11, 2024
Everybody's got friends like this. You know, the kind who, the minute they get in their vehicle and turn the key, the sound system is deafening. They just love to hear that music, sports, news anything but the sound of the vehicle itself. And maybe you're that person, too. Here's something to ... More

Troy Safety Systems: Tire Pressure Monitoring System
February 4, 2024
Flats, blow outs, skids and longer stopping distances can all be the result of driving around Troy on underinflated tires. Admittedly, it's hard to tell when a radial tire is underinflated. If your vehicle manufacturer recommends 35 pounds of pressure, your vehicle tires are considered significa... More